The Unwritten Rules for the Empty Middle Seat Next to You on a Plane


Staff member
Mar 13, 2024
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You've settled into your flight, and you're one step closer to starting your vacation. Exciting news: the flight attendant just closed the door, and you have an empty middle seat next to you! This means you can avoid the discomfort of sharing your space with a stranger, but there are still some unspoken guidelines you should consider.

Don’t Place Your Item Under the Middle Seat

While you might want the extra legroom, placing your item under the middle seat isn't fair. If your rowmate has no belongings under their seat, it could be okay, but it's best to keep your stuff under your own seat for fairness.

Use the Middle Seat for Small Items

Since the middle seat is vacant, feel free to place small items like headphones or a book there. Just remember to leave space for the other person.


Good communication can smooth any potential tension with your seatmate. If you want to utilize both tray tables for work, ask your rowmate first—common courtesy can go a long way when you're stuck next to someone for a while.

Relax and Share the Armrests

Enjoy the luxury of using both armrests! Typically, the middle seat gets both, but with no one occupying it, you and your rowmate can both claim an armrest.

While there may be no official rules for an empty middle seat, keeping these tips in mind next time may enhance your flight experience! Speaking of flights, have you found any favorite travel tips for your Disney trips?