Sorry, but we can't stop laughing at the things we overheard you say at Magic Kingdom.


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Mar 13, 2024
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When you’re at Disney World, you’re among countless other families and groups all aiming for a magical vacation.

Cinderella Castle

You’ll inevitably meet new faces in lines, at restaurants, or simply strolling around, and you might catch snippets of memorable conversations. Whether it’s a peculiar line you hear halfway through or a full chat that leaves you puzzled, we’ve come across some interesting remarks at Magic Kingdom that we just have to share.

“Where’s Hogwarts?”

Surprisingly, we’ve heard this more than we’d like to admit. Many visitors to Orlando aren’t entirely sure which characters and rides belong to which parks, leading to some confusion.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

This often results in guests asking “where’s Hogwarts?” or “Isn’t Harry Potter here too?” while touring Magic Kingdom. Sometimes, a group member reminds them that’s over at Universal, but some honestly believe their park ticket includes Harry Potter, leading to possible disappointment when it doesn’t.

Grabbing a Table at Table Service Restaurants

This one gets to us because of how quickly it can derail plans. Many times we overhear individuals saying they’ll just “grab a table” spontaneously, not realizing it’s a table service restaurant.

Be Our Guest Restaurant

Guests frequently mistake beautiful locations like Be Our Guest and Cinderella’s Royal Table for walk-in attractions. Without a reservation, often booked weeks ahead, they find themselves turned away, which can be a major letdown.

“Please Stop Licking That.”

The number of times we’ve heard a parent say this, or something similar, to their little ones is surprisingly high, but we understand! Young kids don’t always grasp why certain things shouldn’t go in their mouths.

Avoid putting your mouth on line queues

With older kids, you’ll often hear parents plead for them to stop climbing, running, or to “come back here!” While concerns about germs decrease, injury risks heighten!

“We Didn’t Travel All This Way to Meet a Dude in a Mouse Costume.”

This specific comment was overheard by one of our team members in Magic Kingdom. The speaker expressed to their family that meeting Mickey wasn't worth their time together.

Hey, Mickey!

We understand if meeting characters isn’t everyone’s top activity choice. However, meeting Mickey and other characters can be an essential part of the experience for some, so it’s important to make time for at least one character visit if it’s on someone’s list.

Magic Kingdom

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CONFIRMED: Orlando Airport Announces HUGE Construction Project

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What have you overheard in Magic Kingdom that made you chuckle? Let us know in the comments!

The post Sorry, But We’re Still Laughing at These Things We Overheard You Say in Magic Kingdom first appeared on the Disney Food Blog.