Acolyte on Disney+ (No spoilers)


Staff member
Mar 13, 2024
Anyone looking to watch this series on Disney+ that launches on June 5th?

Looks interesting, aside from the politics of the showrunner etc.

The series reportedly has a budget of $180 million across the whole eight-episode run which works out to $22.5 million per episode.
I mean, that seems like a lot....but for streaming series I guess it isn't.
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I haven't watched it yet. I'm not sure. I'm all that excited to watch it, but my expectations are low. It has a high rating on Rottentomatoes...but who trusts them anymore?

I also saw they broke a rule where a Wookie is able to be a Jedi, which is silly, but a rule that George Lucas had set.
rules are made to be broken I guess.